Infrastructure / Features

Citrix & LogMeIn complete complicated, tax-free sort-of merger

LogMeIn, the makers of the popular remote desktop software as well as IT security and other offerings, will become part of a Citrix subsidiary in the wake of a complicated, $1.8 billion transaction announced Tuesday by the two companies.

Written by Jon Gold28 July 16 07:18

Infrastructure monitoring products: Users pinpoint the best and worst features

Monitoring software for servers, networks and applications is supposed to help IT departments spot problems early and avoid business downtime. At IT Central Station, IT managers provide their peers with insights about the pros and cons of four leading products: CA Unified Infrastructure Management, SevOne, Nagios and Opsview Enterprise.

Written by IT Central Station04 June 16 03:19

Chinese Government's Link to Cyber Espionage Clearer Than Ever

It's a common belief in the information security world that the Chinese government is behind many of the advanced persistent threats that target companies around the world in an effort to steal their IP and trade secrets. Now one security firm has come forward with years of evidence to link a prolific APT group to a unit inside the Chinese government.

Written by Thor Olavsrud20 Feb. 13 16:09

Channel partners poised to help enterprises build software-defined networks

Enterprises replacing legacy network infrastructure are increasingly turning to software-defined networks, which can automate an entire network fabric. Having helped hosting companies and academic institutions, a variety of resellers, system integrators and consultancies are ready to bring SDN to the enterprise.

Written by John Moore15 Jan. 13 14:19

How to Get a Grip on Data With 'Information Superiority'

To make more efficient use of data and improve data protection, take a holistic approach to information governance-one that focuses attention on the most sensitive data while removing impediments to sharing.

Written by Thor Olavsrud03 Jan. 13 17:43

BYOD: What can we learn from China?

US and Australian employees may never be as accepting as the Chinese about BYOD's potential privacy violations, but American companies can still learn a lot about effective BYOD from China, namely, better educating workers about security.

Written by Tom Kaneshige22 Aug. 12 23:07

For BYOD best practices, secure data, not devices

IT organisations are justifiably concerned about the security risks inherent in bringing your own device (BYOD). Many are turning to mobile device management (MDM) products and services to address the problem.

Written by Thor Olavsrud17 July 12 19:28

BYOD: Big security, small devices

Enterprises may be ready for BYOD, but most consumer devices aren't, so vendors are adding high-level security features to their new and upcoming products.

Written by Serdar Yegulalp10 July 12 15:38

Ease the need for IT security pros by writing more secure code

The demand for information security professionals, which already high, will surge in the next few years. Finding trained security professionals to meet the demand will be challenging, but businesses can ease the burden by training developers to write more secure code.

Written by Thor Olavsrud06 July 12 18:59

What you really need to know about Cloud security

Despite all of the hand wringing over cloud security, major Cloud security breaches haven't been grabbing headlines. The past year has seen major breaches, such as the ones that hit Sony and Epsilon, but we haven't heard much of an emphasis about the Cloud being a weakness.

Written by Jeff Vance19 June 12 00:20

LinkedIn provides breach update - sort of

In an update that raises more questions than it answers, LinkedIn today assured members that the company is working hard to protect their personal data in the wake of a security breach that exposed about 6.5 million hashed LinkedIn passwords.

Written by Jaikumar Vijayan08 June 12 01:03

Security breach

No company wants to be associated with a data breach, but if your systems are compromised the fallout can sometimes be more damaging than the act itself.

Written by Matt Rodgers22 Sept. 11 09:00
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