Vidyo to show off mobile-to-mobile videoconferencing at CES

Vidyo to show off mobile-to-mobile videoconferencing at CES

Vidyo will demonstrate today an Internet videoconference among six types of mobile devices made by multiple manufacturers in an effort to show how flexible its core VidyoConferencing platform can be for creating business meetings among personal devices.

Also read: CES 2011: Gadgets Galore

The demonstration at the Showstoppers event at CES in Las Vegas will link an iPhone 4, an iPad, a MacBook, a Samsung Galaxy tablet, a conventional PC laptop and a Google Nexus S running the latest version of the Android mobile platform, Gingerbread.

To access the meeting, participants access the videoconference URL where a VidyoRouter will link them. Each device runs a Vidyo client. One participant will connect from Japan, one from a restaurant in California and others from the show itself, Vidyo says.

The company is showing that any mobile device capable of supporting video over a Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G Internet connection can participate in a videoconference with disparate other devices. The client software and Vidyo router mediate the optimal picture quality supported by each device and the characteristics of its Internet connection.

So an employee working from home could participate in a conference via a personal iPad while others join over corporate-owned videoconferencing gear. Similarly, a service provider could offer videoconferencing services among mobile devices using Vidyo software as its infrastructure, the company says.

Using a software developer's kit, the client can be tweaked to be compatible with new devices relatively quickly. For example, the Google Nexus S smartphone was available just last month, Vidyo says.

Other videoconferencing systems require bridges called multi-point conferencing units to connect different devices. Vidyo products are based on the H.264 scalable video coding standard and doesn't require bridging.

Vidyo says service providers have already started using its products to support services and that it will start licensing clients soon to support new devices.

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Tags unified communicationsGoogleNetworkingvideoconferencingVidyo

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