VR, AI and IoT top job searches in Australia

VR, AI and IoT top job searches in Australia

Australians heavily embrace digital technologies in 2016

Job searches on virtual reality (VR), artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) have tripled as Australians continue to embrace digital technologies in 2016, according to new data released by Indeed.

According to Indeed’s data, Australian job seekers are strongly interested in where futuristic digital technologies could be taking their careers. Job searches related to AI, VR and IoT were 276 per cent higher in March 2016 than in March 2015, and 376 per cent higher in April 2016 than in April 2015.

Indeed A/NZ managing director, Chris McDonald, said Australians are proactively looking at how they incorporate jobs of the future into their careers today.

“The growth in the VR, AI, and IoT fields are repeatedly making headlines and as businesses start to use these technologies in innovative and unique ways, the workforce is wanting to be a part of how these technologies are changing the way we communicate, shop, drive, work, and more,” McDonald said in a statement.

“While employers need to be aware of the various skills shortages and gaps within their business today and in the future, they should also be paying close attention to the jobs people are actually wanting to explore and apply their skills to. Providing motivating and engaging workplaces, that also offer strong work-life balance benefits, should be a top priority for employers right now among the fight for talent, particularly in the technology industry.”

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