RSL LifeCare hunts CIO

RSL LifeCare hunts CIO

‘Organisation is transforming with a consumer-centric focus’

RSL LifeCare is on the lookout for an experienced CIO to help drive innovation across the company.

RSL LifeCare is a non-profit organisation providing care to over 6000 residents in NSW and the ACT.

It was established more than 100 years ago to support returned veterans of Australia’s armed forces and their spouses, although it is now open to all members of the community.

According to the organisation, RSL Lifecare is a main provider in the aged care sector and has $1.5 billion in assets.

“Mindful of an aging population, the organisation is transforming with a consumer-centric focus,” the company said.

Reporting to the CEO and working in collaboration with the executive team, the CIO will have overall accountability for providing leadership in all aspects of information systems management across the organisation.

In this role, the CIO will lead a complex technology transformation and formulate an organisational strategy that leverages technology to thrive within the rapidly changing aged care sector with a strong customer focus, the company said.

“The ideal candidate will be a driven executive with experience developing and executing business, technology, digital transformations, corporate strategy and operations.

“The role requires an experienced leader with a passion for people development and a track record of transforming and simplifying business processes through the smart use of technology while delivering bottom line measurable benefit.”

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Tags Business ProcessesRSL LifeCareaged care sectorconsumer-centric focus

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