​Merck signs mega support deal with Unisys

​Merck signs mega support deal with Unisys

Global deal covering 90 countries, including Australia

Pharmaceutical giant, Merck, has signed a massive five-year contract that will see Unisys provide end user IT services to its 48,000 staff worldwide.

Under the deal – won by Unisys’ German subsidiary – the vendor will provide global service desk, unified end-point management and onsite services.

The global service desk spans 90 countries – including Australia – with staff managing all service requests and incidents in 11 languages, Unisys said.

Unisys said it is providing global field services to handle request that cannot be resolved remotely, assist technology roll-outs as well as providing additional service lines and support to Merck’s senior executives.

Personalised end user services will be delivered, tailored to each Merck employee’s 'persona', a profile tied to the individual’s specific role within the organisation, Unisys said.

The company also plans to provide ‘walk-in kiosks’ that provide Merck’s users with software help, a place to swap hardware, request education and training, and test new devices without making an appointment.

Dr David Revish, global head of vendor management, end user services and service integration at Merck KGaA said in a statement: “Unisys’ approach will allow us to significantly reduce the number of service providers and gain a much better overview of our end-user IT infrastructure, services and performance.

“Ultimately, Unisys will support us in becoming a more efficient, productive, end-user-centered service organisation.”

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Tags it servicesunisysMerckIT supportDavid Revishon-site servicesservice integration

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